Christian Education Class Information: 


Experiencing the Depth of Jesus Christ Class

Class Description

Experiencing the Depth of Jesus Christ is a class designed to help the disciple who has the burning desire to get closer to God and introduce them to the methods of seeking the inward happiness found only in the depths of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is perfection; therefore we know perfection can be easily attained when we seek Him within ourselves.

Upon completion of the class the participant should be able to:

  1. Receive divine instruction through a deeper devotional life
  2. Develop devotional habits beyond the normal
  3. Operate in the peace of the Lord consistenlty
  4. Begin to transform the lives of others by teaching these methods

Materials Needed: Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ (Book)


Intimacy with Christ

Class Description

Intimacy with Christ is a class designed to help the disciple to have a deeper initmacy with Christ. You will come away with more understanding of practical ways of walking with your Lord as you are lead to a higher place in Christ.

Upon completion of the class the participant should be able to:

  1. What it means to be intimate with Christ
  2. How to have intimacy with Christ
  3. Learn the key to developing intimacy with Christ as a daily part of your life
  4. Help others grow in their intimacy with Christ

Materials Needed: Intimacy with Christ (Book)


The Stewardship of Life

Class Description

 The Stewardship of Life class is designed to help you understand priorities and the transformational power it holds in store. Stewardship isn't just about money. it touches every part of life, and it demands the wise management of all that we have and all that we are. It's about vision, the dreams that motivate us to press toward the goal and reach for the future.

Upon completion of the class the participant should be able to:

  1. To understand influence - the power to relate with proactive wisdom in all of life's relationships.
  2. To understand Commitment - the fidelity that reminds us of promises to keep and purposes to fulfill.
  3. To understand Time - the marker that defines our earthly life.
  4. To understand Opportunity - the divinely appointed chances to make a difference and make an impact.
  5. To understand Resources - the material assets entrusted to our care
  6. To understand You - because God has given you the responsiblity of managing your life, of stewarding all that is in your hand.

Materials Needed: The Stewardship of Life: Making The Most of All That You Have and All That You Are (Book)




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